Review: The Muppets

November 17, 2011 — 7 Comments

Words are useless for reviewing this movie.

Completely useless.

Instead, here’s a close approximation of my facial expression during the entire movie:

7 responses to Review: The Muppets


    Did you get to see the “Toy Story” short that preceded it and how was that?


      Actually, yes, they had the short, and it was really amazing, and a fantastic way to get the audience in the mood for good times. It was actually way funnier than the Hawaiian Vacation short that was before Cars 2, and that one was already pretty great.


    Nice. I can’t wait. I hope I can drag my daughters to it.


      I really hope your daughters don’t need to be dragged to it. Though I guess even kids are cynical about muppets these days. You should use your powers as a parent to force them to see it. I’m sure they’ll have a great time.


    Lovely! I can’t wait to see it.


    Yeah, that pretty much covers it, doesn’t it?


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